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Staff List: The Top 100 Tracks of 2009
Rob Mitchum, Pitchfork, 15 December 2009 [Link]

38. Knotty Pine

It's a dangerous thing when a musical legend lends his or her endorsement to a new band-- the potential new fans can sometimes be lost in the long shadow of the endorser. So it's remarkable how seamlessly David Byrne, whose stamp of approval carries serious weight, integrates into "Knotty Pine". Dirty Projectors don't sound much like Talking Heads, except for the fact that both bands don't sound like anyone else. Yet on the verse that Byrne and Dave Longstreth take together, it's hard to spot who is who-- quite an achievement, given how hard it must be to trace over Byrne's sinuous delivery. Most remarkable of all: Despite Dirty Projectors' trademark unpredictable rhythms and harmonies based on some kind of Martian scale, "Knotty Pine" is still a loveable, friendly song-- one that even those who can't warm to the Projectors could take to heart.